The Beginning of Time

An Unimaginably Long Time Ago

The universe began and the first children were born.

Eight went on to breed new gods from the water.


A Long Time Ago

The god Tetra created and looked after the Earth.

The planet grew up in isolation.


Not So Long Ago

Tetra is killed.

The veil begins to show signs of wear.


A boy named Calvin Harris dies in his room.

Scio lands in the remnants.

It calls itself Valentine.

Early Summer, 201X

A girl named Lola gets sick.

The illness develops into a case of Rego Animus and the incarnation of Crone Ursula.

This arrival is immediately met with hostility from competing divinity.

Summer 201X

The seed germinates in its cradle.

An agent is assigned to the case.


Late Summer 201X

Lola is dead for a total of five minutes.

In the interim, the amalgamation is complete.

The house is abandoned.

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